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Hi there! I'm Mariana Meza IFMCP, CNS, MS, RD
The Spanish Dietitian.

As a bilingual dietitian, I understand how challenging it can be to learn a new language and use it effectively in your career. I was born, raised, and worked in Mexico before moving to Houston to become an RD. In my private practice, Healthfoodness, I have the privilege of helping both Spanish and English-speaking patients. This year, I've started a PhD program in Spain and decided to offer Spanish lessons specifically tailored to RDs. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your skills, I provide personalized Spanish lessons to help you break down language barriers and communicate better with your clients. I'm committed to supporting you every step of the way as you integrate Spanish into your professional toolkit. So, join me on this exciting journey of learning Spanish and enhancing your client interactions. Let's get talking!

Reach Out Anytime!

More Info? Just want to chat? Drop us a line anytime! I’m ready to assist with anything you need.